October 14, 2024
marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net

Top 10 marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net- Business

How to choose a winning marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net without stress comparing seven leading solutions choosing is hard selecting a marketing  automation platform from a landscape that includes  8 000 vendors can just seem painful but it doesn’t  have to be once you’ve decided on your must-have  features and eliminated the unnecessary buzzy  tools you’ve done most of the work and we can  help you get there in this video we will first  walk through the factors you need

to consider  before you commit to a solution after this we will  be ready to perform a comparison between pardot  hubspot marcato eloqua active campaign act  on and ontraport fasten your seat belts and  enjoy the ride how do i choose a marketing  automation platform today three out of four  

How do I choose a marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net?

Companies use marketing automation however this  doesn’t mean all of them are a success story  most companies still struggle with siloed systems  roi reporting and data management on top of that  there is talk of an expertise gap among marketers  today sometimes no matter how well designed the  system you put in place if your employees  don’t know how to use it you are missing out  so before you get into the process of choosing a  marketing automation platform check your current  marketing state this includes the strategies and  tactics you use at the moment and the road map

you  want to follow in the future to sum up these  are the questions you need to have answers to  it’s crucial that you look into these points  to avoid ending up with marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net  that doesn’t fit your purpose every marketing  automation vendor will promise functionalities  however not all of them will really listen to your  needs that’s why it’s your job to do the homework  
first checking the map features based on the  2019 research act on performed alongside london  

Checking the map features

Research most companies that apply marketing  automation software use the following tactics  almost all of the marketing technology  systems provide a set of commonly used  features however not all of them  are set up to the same standards to demonstrate pardot hubspot marcado eloqua  active campaign act on and ontraport are robust  platforms most of them are used in a business  to business b2b environment as of april 2021   

trust radius reviews compare the platform’s  scores like this note oracle eloqua is only  a part of the oracle cx marketing suite however  trust radius only offers the oracle cx marketing  review option keep in mind that some of these  marketing solutions are better adjusted to certain  requirements than others for instance while  pardot may be the lead management expert hubspot  

is better in inbound marketing on the other hand  if you are looking for a great out-of-the-box roi  analytics tool you would be better off going  for marketo rather than active campaign we have  compared the seven platforms for you based on the  most common features used in marketing automation  please note although we took extra care  to provide the freshest as of april 2021  information available from the vendors websites  and comparison sites such as git app and trust  radius there may be some oversight so  please take into account any new releases  updates and developments before you decide on the  best platform for you email automation sending and  

Email Automation

Scheduling emails is the one element all marketers  use no matter what the company sells so naturally  every marketing technology solution will have  to offer email automation as a cornerstone tool  however they are not built the same way when  it comes to choosing email marketing features  you need to get answers to the following questions  number one can this platform send triggered emails 

How do email automation platforms send triggered emails?

based on customers web behavior purchase history  or upcoming events number two can this platform

Can email automation platforms schedule emails?

schedule emails number three can this platform  perform a b testing within emails number four how  

Can email automation platforms perform A/B testing emails?

far can i personalize emails within this platform  and number five how can i track prospects behavior  

How to track prospects behaviour within emails?

within emails advanced marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net  platforms provide an interface with drag and drop  

Drag and drop tools

Tools that allow you to build emails with ease  others have an intuitive interface but no drag  and drop features additionally consider whether  the ability to track clicks through emails and  validating email addresses is an essential  feature for you to compare our chosen seven  

Table : 7 email marketing automation platforms

Platforms let’s look at this table we can see how  some of the email marketing options vary according  to the different vendors for example pardot didn’t  have a drag and drop email builder which judging  by the comments in the salesforce community  was frustrating to use but in october 2020  a new drag-and-drop email builder was announced in  pardot lightning aunt ontraport doesn’t provide a  drag and drop email builder however it does offer  simple mail editor for basic text focused emails  entre mail editor for graphical newsletters  and html editor for email coding options  as of 2020 eloqua offers eloqua content blocks  which acts as a drag and drop template builder for  email or landing pages integration disconnected  technology systems are one of the biggest 

Integrations to enhance marketing efforts

challenges that companies face in their quest  to improve digital marketing integrations are  essential if you want to enhance your marketing  efforts so when choosing your marketing automation  platform check for the following integrations  crm integration api third party integration 

CRM Integration

CRM integration is becoming ever more crucial the  further we progress down the business automation road however crm integration is not the only  integration you should take into account  consider this the marketing department is not  the only department that might need the insight  a marketing automation platform can provide while  the sales department is one obvious beneficiary  

other departments might prosper  for marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net as well  for example the hr department will benefit from  running hiring campaigns and customer support will  want a complete history of users behavior  to ensure you are making the right choice  check if your chosen platform has api access  this will allow any further developments and  


App integrations you might want to link to your  chosen solution however a more important feature  to look for in your marketing automation is  third-party integration it’s similar to api  

Third-party integration

integration in that both talk to external  applications but third-party integration  capability is better because you will not have  to build another api from your side additionally  look into api’s specifications for how the  application communicates with other software  apis typically enable integration of data logic  and objects with other software applications and  often provide two-way sync remember this is  about future proofing your organization and planning at least one or two steps ahead when  adopting a new marketing automation segmentation  


Segmentation is vital if you want to personalize  your communication with customers or prospects  it’s a starting point for marketers and one  of the most used features in any marketing  automation platform depending on how you could  or plan to use segmentation we have divided it  into two separate items market segmentation  customer segmentation market segmentation is  

Market Segmentation

A process of dividing or filtering the target  market into separate groups later the segments  can be used in different campaigns based on the  characteristics they have in common to see the  four types of market segmentation check out  this image customer segmentation on the other  

Customer Segmentation

hand involves grouping your customers based on  similar characteristics from age and location to  industry and company size customer segmentation  helps companies to expand their offer to existing  customers cross sell and upsell improve customer  service test new products or pricing options  build better relationships personalize  their existing relationships  segmentation is used often and in many ways  and while most of the marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net  

platforms offer segmentation as a given there is  a limit to how deep some of them can go before  committing to a specific solution make sure you  determine what type of segmentation you require  and if the platform delivers accordingly to  compare our chosen platforms check out this table  landing pages building landing pages is a key  ingredient in any marketing mix depending on  

Landing pages

How many campaigns or product launches you produce  you may want to check if your marketing automation  platform offers this feature some platforms  offer templates to choose from others offer  tools to create your own and of course some  offer both also it’s beneficial to look for a b  testing for landing pages so you can test their  effects on different audiences and optimize as  you progress for the purpose of our comparison we  have divided the landing pages into two categories  

Two categories of landing pages

Custom landing pages create your own and landing  page templates take a look at how they compare  the newest addition to the landing  page automation is active campaign  


The platform vendor introduced the landing page  option in november 2020 providing a drag and drop  interface along with the templates cross channel  marketing a unified platform results in a  

Cross-Channel Marketing

Unified experience for the customer not only is it  important to be present on multiple channels such as social media email and mobile but the channels  also need to be streamlined having a cross-channel  experience means aligning and personalizing all  of your communications to the customer’s needs  for example if a lead has spent some time browsing  through a specific feature of your product then  your digital ads should logically continue that  interaction between the lead and your company   

so if the same lead goes to facebook next  you will find an ad that addresses how that  specific feature solved a problem  for one of your previous customers  cross-channel marketing is important because  it gives you a unified view of the customer  it is also necessary for both personalization  at scale and content optimization  marketing automation platforms can unify channels  like mobile email sms and push notifications  

Unified Channels

SEO digital ads and social media marketing but  depending on your type of business you may not  need to integrate that many channels so let’s  check how our seven platforms compare on cross  channel marketing keep in mind that some  platforms can integrate with your social  media accounts however they don’t offer a unified  view of your ad performance on the platform itself  similarly some solutions offer out of the box sms  messaging such as marcato while others integrate  

with third third-party solutions that deliver  that feature eloqua integrates with oracle  content marketing tool natively although you may  need to pay extra for the feature and provides the keyword suggestion tool that recommends keywords  to you as you write and develop your seo friendly  content for social media management most of these  platforms support social media posting retargeting  or listening but often you need to add connectors  such as in the example of pardot and ontraport  lead nurturing and lead scoring lead  management is a big part of b2b marketing  

Lead nurturing and lead scoring

But to remain on top of the leads that come  in you need to have a reliable marketing  automation platform lead management  will include identifying your leads  

Lead management

Nurturing them scoring and grading them and  eventually passing them on to sales lead scoring  is one step of lead management where you assign  scores based on your leads activity for example  if a lead signs up for a webinar or downloads an  ebook you will assign points to that action based  on the likelihood of it converting the lead into  a future customer lead nurturing is a process of  following your leads through their buyers journey  and engaging with them with relevant content using

the example from before lean nurturing would  be providing an ebook or webinar at the right time for this to work we need marketing automation  to track analyze score and provide insight  to find out where our seven platforms stand when  it comes to these two functionalities take a look at this image reporting and roi analytics  most marketing automation platforms lookinglion.net provide  

Reporting & ROI Analytics 

Some level of reporting some of them offer a  dashboard view where marketers can customize  their reports depending on who they report to  while others offer activity tracking based on  the channel you perform operations on advanced  reporting tools often include deeper insights  that don’t just report simple numbers like  bounce rates but actionable insights as well  for our current needs we will compare the seven  platforms against visual analytics roi analytics  

Table : 7 Email marketing automation platform comparison based on visual & ROI analytics, and sales reporting

And sales reporting so let’s dive in keep in mind  even if they don’t offer customizable dashboards  with precise analytics it doesn’t mean they are  not able to provide insights in different ways  for instance act on offers analytics and  reporting however it’s still a work in  progress on the visual side of things it’s  good to remember that the platform also  offers third party integrations with tools  that provide improved insight gathering  

active offers custom reports as a way to track  performance on your dashboard yet for optimal  visual analytics capabilities you are probably  better off integrating the platform with isvs such as data hero that provides an in-depth  insight into your business through intuitive  dashboards when it comes to roi analytics most  platforms offer some capabilities that will  support your roi calculation however for some of  them as an ontraport’s example

to access marketing  roi tracking stats and utm tracking filters  you’ll need a pro account license or above  in terms of sales reporting in cases such as  marketo eloqua and hubspot you will have to  tap into their sales tools offering which can  include an additional license fee or require  an integration bottom line to sum up before  making your decision take a good look at your  


Requirements marketing process campaign management  procedure customer demands and your future goals most marketing automation platforms are built  in a similar way due to corresponding market  demands and they evolve at a rapid speed  continuously refreshing their tool set  also don’t forget to evaluate your in-house  talent tools are only good if applied properly  
do you need help deciding on the best  marketing automation solution for your business  

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